Well, I'd love to talk about this over a warm cup of something. Because parenting does actually seem to get harder as they get older, but also, when I look back, the first 10 years were very hard for SO many reasons, but for other reasons they seem easier than where we are right now—in the middle school years, for one of my kids anyway. In either case, my brain is totally warped and I'm tired :)

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Sigh. On behalf of the "older" mamas waxing nostalgic, I am sorry. And if it makes any difference, I've yet to find anything about motherhood that is "the easiest." Loving my children. That's pretty easy.

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Wow!! So much here I’d love to talk about in person!! But I’ll attempt just a comment, I guess. First, the comment about the first ten years being easiest. I have the rather unique position of having two twenty-somethings and one under ten and two in between those. I don’t think it’s necessarily easier when they’re under ten, but maybe some things are more cut and dry, or black and white, and the older they get the more you need nuance. Maybe?? I don’t know. There are just challenges at every age.

Second, I love learning so much about the cows and calving! Those babies are so cute!!

Third, something I’ve been thinking about with regard to your IG post: I get stressed out when I read about someone on IG getting the stomach flu. I know--I KNOW--how ridiculous that sounds. Weirdly (or not?) I can handle reading about it in essays or past tense, but knowing someone has it right now, literally makes me feel stressed. TBF I’ve had two kids end up in hospital from different cases of it. But I’ve started thinking, Is it helping me to know this? when I’m on social media. I really try to think about that when I’m posting. And I’m balancing that thought with something Tasha Jun wrote recently about writing being an act of hospitality, which I agree with and love too. I guess it’s that nuance or both/ and.

Anyway, there’s more to say, but this is almost a post in and of itself! 😅 I love learning about your life and observations!

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Feb 4Liked by Stacy Bronec

Loved this! And I really enjoy reading about the farming life. How do you know if a calf is infertile? Do they have missing reproductive organs? And so fascinating that with a male and female twin set, the female is usually infertile. So glad that doesn't happen to us as humans! 🥲 What do people do with infertile female cows? Eat them? Many questions 🙈

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💛💛 (also I truly love learning calf facts from you.)

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You write about the woman’s comment in the parking lot so graciously. But it’s true—hindsight is the thing that allows us to recall those sweet moments with crystal clarity. I have *loved* reading about calving season. As a city girl, most of this just feels so foreign to me, but it’s so beautiful to see how up close and personal you are to new life and caretaking and the hard labor that many of us take for granted. And thanks for the share, too. :)

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Jan 31Liked by Stacy Bronec

Love it!

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deletedFeb 1Liked by Stacy Bronec
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